Sunday, September 11, 2005

Smashin Week

I met this guy at the Bryant Park tents. I would like to know where the hell he got this suit.


Jake - KingDead said...

damnit xenia, i read your headline and went and broke a bunch of stuff cause i thought it was smashing week. most of it was yours but some people are pissed so you should trade the rest of your stuff to them in exchange for the stuff i broke cuase you told me to

Xenia said...

God jake do you do everything i tell you to do? i mean if i told you to eat a dack would you eat a.. god. i'm so furious right now i can't remember what i was going to say.

tront said...

hey jake, eat a dack (sound of jake eating dack)

Jake - KingDead said...

hi trent! good to see you! (sound of trent farting and taking a deep breathe and putting his finger up his butt)

Xenia said...

i just saw this guy in the fashion issue of vice wearing a a suit/hat that was all animal prints, but different ones on the left and right side of his jacket. I usually hate vice, but this one was good.

annie said...

that guy made it into the papers
