Saturday, October 29, 2005


X Strikes Again

Monday, October 10, 2005


I had a nightmare that I had some sort of bugs crawling everywhere and the person who told me was more disgusted than concerned. Then someone said the word nightmare to me in a wake up phone call, and I remembered how big those scary bugs were. I think this is a combination of me being sad about something minging with a memory I have of a Home Moview Episode where all the kids get checked for lice. Any psychoanalysis welcome.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A beautiful album cover

Monday, October 03, 2005

WHERE'S XALDO ? Interactive Fun

Can you find her? Where is she? Why did her mom dress her like that? Is that why she wears all that junk now? First one who answers all questions correctly gets to come over my house and go on a hay ride with me. Hey (As in Heh-ay Girlfriend, my baby daddy been done had a job.)