Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Used to Eat Spam, Now I Read It (I)

Here are some of my favorite SPAMS of Recent...

Girl gang rapes fellow male classmate

Old Man Dies Inside Paris Hilton

Boy kills cats and eats them

Stupid man gets dildo stuck in anal

Raciest outfit of the century

More meat is never excessive

High Fuel Prices Forcing Drunk Drivers to Trade Gas for Booze

BREAKING NEWS: "I Ate All The Pies" - Man Confesses

You can look fancy even if you are a simple taxi driver. (Body of Text That Followed) :: Make the impression of a well-off person on everybody... Welcome Inside.


tront said...

Look, I'm a vegan, I don't eat cheese or spam, but can these spammers stop giving the hunter gatherers such a hard time?

[m]! said...

You twittered (tweeted?) and said that you're going to see Michel Gondry. I think you should write about that next, for reals.