Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese New Year

January was hard for everyone. February is going to be really really good. I can tell. My dad is starting a new non-profit organization that donates old computers and pays for toilets for schools in the Filipino neighborhood we are from.
I have two ideas: One is my show on BCAT. The second is my mixTaxiTapes!

I would like to work with the following people:
Tara Eisenberg
Jessica Robertson
Austin English
Austin Guest
Peter Hill
Brian Rinaldi
Jake Edelstein
Ben Deitz
Trent Wolbe
Kemba Russell
Michael Rezny

and somewhere people. It's a video format magazine. This is going to be really good, so get ready. Plus there's like a million katrillion bazillion people besides that who are going to put their talented loveliness on t.v. with us including you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I got a thank you! YO! did you know that a single can of mr. pibb (original) goes for $100 in the rare soda market? Isnt that nuts! Do you remember OK soda? that was definetly the soda for gen x. What is our generation's soda? pepsi blue? dnl? banana schweppes?