I am in boston right now. I am moving into a house in greenpoint and I couldn't be more excited. I wish I didn't like taking pictures of myself from the side, but it's true ladies and gentlemen, i am both sideways and full of myself.

Guys... I want to start writing again. I am going to write a movie in four months from now. Also... where did everyone go? Will you visit me in my new brooklyn house and we can have fun and finger paint?
Also.. I am still in "Trent and Xenia." Don't f-in forget it.....
Also.. how do you make really really really good mashed potatoes. Matt suggested sour cream.
P.s. if ya'll want to come to Fort Greene between now and Sunday to meet a really cool dog, then bring some movies and prepare for Chipmunk Xenia sans four wisdom teeth....
Love Love Love Love Love.
My friend Aaron hired a personal asst. to do his laundry and it happens to be his best friend. Yes or No? What do you think. COMMENTS PLEASE
here's what ola does,
he puts a pot on filled with creme and milk (half and half) and puts either garlic or rosemary in there and lets that simma for a while then when you're mashing the potatoes start mixing that stuff in little by little till you're fat
white plains i mean boston, sorry i can't tell the difference, is not cool. don't fall in the big dig
Zee Big Digg? I'm zorry I'm developing zome zort of Axxzzent.
i meant zeeveloping.. vhere iz my brain?
in zee gutter. how much does the assistanta get paid? i need a cigarette. i never say that but now i do
i zon't know but eet comez vit zee palm pi-Lot. (emphasize on the lot.)
as per the personal assistant, i say, if someone else will do the laundry then YES. but as for friends and business, one must be careful! good luck! drink milkshakes and don't let your mom or anyone else steal the percoset. wisdom teeth make great earrings.
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