AD CAMPAIGNS You may remember my August Budweiser Campaign. There is a beautiful view of an Anheiser Brewery when you travel from Trenton to New York City or vice versa. I wish I had taken a picture, but I didn't.
DREAM: I had a dream that Trent, pictured below
image courtesy of ben d.
made a movie, and I was one of many people in it. We filmed for a very short while and when I looked back at the tape, I realized it was much longer than I thought it would be. Apparently, much of the shoot occurred without me realizing it, and through audio, creative camera angles and post production, he made a well thought out movie with footage of my everyday life. He added the plot. Now I am very keen on doing a project like this.
There's a new place down the street on Graham. It's called Ralph's Italian Ice. They have Sundaes, Ice Cream, Water Ice, Cream Ice, and Creme Ice. In PA, we have

. No one in New York City, from NY State or Northern CA had ever heard of "Water Ice." I'm happy to say that the appearance of this term in the Salerno, Italy area of Bklyn legitimizes the whole thing. Also, they have flavors that my new roommate Joe has tried such as:
Rainbow Cookie
Birthday Cake
Pete tried:
Strawberry Shortcake
I'm waiting for a day I really need a pick me to up to try this flavor:

Today I took a review of the archives of
Jeffrey Max's Blog. I have had about one conversation with Mr. Jeffrey Max if you add up all the little comments we may have exchanged. I think Jeffrey is the epitome of the ironic dilemma. You see, Jeffrey seems to be critical of EVERYTHING, but also ENTHUSIASTIC AND TALENTED about his criticism, causing me to use so many CAPS in my sentences about his blog. Sometimes I think, Wow, Jeffrey is a hater, but then I love(r) to read his blog, even the mean things... So I guess, enjoy but don't take seriously. Have some banter... There are notes of hopefulness between the grumbling in my humble opinion.
Here is my new Foster's Ad Campaign
I know you have been wondering what to call those big fat cans of FOSTER'S. Here's some history from
Aluminum cans
Aluminum cans are more popular at the economy/supermarket/bulk package end of the market than at the premium side. Packaging in aluminum cans does necessarily imply pasteurization. Although cans do not fit the image of the craft-brewed product, there is no technical reason why high-quality beer cannot be sold in cans, and, in fact, a number of craft brewers are launching canned products. A significant impediment to craft brewers using cans instead of bottles is the high capital cost of the pasteurization and packing equipment required. Among imports, British bitters are often shipped in aluminum cans, and a certain brand of Australian lager has forged an image by being sold in a large "oil can" size. I wonder why they couldn't just say FOSTERS instead of "a certain brand of Australian lager."
Did you hear that! No technial reason why high-quality beer cannot be sold in cans! It's actually more expensive.

= Happiness and Adoration
Maybe someone should teach me how to resize imgs properly.