Thursday, May 25, 2006

People are really into building really fancy pools and then saying things like "I don't like swimming," .... "You get wet." I can't tell: do I WANT to visit LA and feel like everyone is a bunch of weird aliens or do I NOT WANT to visit LA and feel like everyone is a bunch of weird aliens... and I don't care that "PAPER" Magazine really really really likes L.A. No, I don't care at all.

I found this particular line from the article about "pools" to be like a poem:

Las Vegas-style amusements:
remote-controlled flames, sound-activated
dancing lights
and the illusion of endless water

more pictures of pools that people don't swim in

A little gift from me to you:

The above pictures showed up when i google-imaged a word. All of these imgs showed up on page three. What word do you think it was? COMMENTS PLEASE!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


People call other people's actions, worries, likes, behavioral tendencies, clothing and word usage "ridiculous" a lot in the circle of people I manage to interact with on a daily level.


1550, from L. ridiculosus "laughable," from ridiculus "that which excites laughter," from ridere "to laugh." In modern senses, ridicule

For example, some people think that the following are ridiculous:
, , , , and so on.

However, is it funny in my example of what I am talking about if:
Someone really likes cashmere socks and freaks out if someone accidentally loses on of that person's socks, or if someone really likes doing yoga at four a.m. every morning in the middle of his sleep cycle or if someone talks a lot really loudly or wears spandex under EVERYTHING? i.e.

Maybe not. They say an idea starts seriously/sacredly, turns into profanity, enters laughability and can finally then be seen with any clarity of imagination at all. Those things which we take very seriously are not allowed to be funny and we aren't allowed to get a range of ideas or creative solutions to the uncomfortable feelings these subjects provoke in us: i.e. the holocaust, War, people's moms.

I personally find dead babies not to be so controversial...

I google img'ed dead baby, but I'm pretty sure I want to spare you on that one.


I took a self defense class with a young redhead sassy high school gym teacher, because in my high school you got to choose your classes. I, however, was busy chasing a friend of mine who was crying b/c she got a B in gym. While I was in the locker room saying, "It's fine, just bring your gym clothes next time," the other classes got filled up. I only remember one move. There were fourteen people in our class and about 45 in all the other classes, like, "soccer" or "volleyball." Half of the people in my class were pure delinquents. I loved them.

I have a new self defense technique. Always carry a really hot beverage:

And throw it in someone's face if they try to rob you. And when they look like this they will think twice about robbing you.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Are you a dilettante?

According to Montclair College and Princeton, you may be a dilettante if you:

1. show... frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish; "his dilettantish efforts at painting"

Another word for dilettante: dabbler: an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge

But Dilletante used to mean:

a lover of the arts, but now primarily a literary or artistic hanger-on, superficial or amateurishî

It used to be cool and genuine and now its not.
Kind of like Koosh Balls.
Or "telling people about your band."
Or cereal.

I was going to write comedy albums, but then I started thinking too hard about that one.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


You may remember my August Budweiser Campaign. There is a beautiful view of an Anheiser Brewery when you travel from Trenton to New York City or vice versa. I wish I had taken a picture, but I didn't.

DREAM: I had a dream that Trent, pictured below

image courtesy of ben d.

made a movie, and I was one of many people in it. We filmed for a very short while and when I looked back at the tape, I realized it was much longer than I thought it would be. Apparently, much of the shoot occurred without me realizing it, and through audio, creative camera angles and post production, he made a well thought out movie with footage of my everyday life. He added the plot. Now I am very keen on doing a project like this.

There's a new place down the street on Graham. It's called Ralph's Italian Ice. They have Sundaes, Ice Cream, Water Ice, Cream Ice, and Creme Ice. In PA, we have . No one in New York City, from NY State or Northern CA had ever heard of "Water Ice." I'm happy to say that the appearance of this term in the Salerno, Italy area of Bklyn legitimizes the whole thing. Also, they have flavors that my new roommate Joe has tried such as:

Rainbow Cookie
Birthday Cake

Pete tried:
Strawberry Shortcake

I'm waiting for a day I really need a pick me to up to try this flavor:

Today I took a review of the archives of Jeffrey Max's Blog. I have had about one conversation with Mr. Jeffrey Max if you add up all the little comments we may have exchanged. I think Jeffrey is the epitome of the ironic dilemma. You see, Jeffrey seems to be critical of EVERYTHING, but also ENTHUSIASTIC AND TALENTED about his criticism, causing me to use so many CAPS in my sentences about his blog. Sometimes I think, Wow, Jeffrey is a hater, but then I love(r) to read his blog, even the mean things... So I guess, enjoy but don't take seriously. Have some banter... There are notes of hopefulness between the grumbling in my humble opinion.


Here is my new Foster's Ad Campaign

I know you have been wondering what to call those big fat cans of FOSTER'S. Here's some history from

Aluminum cans
Aluminum cans are more popular at the economy/supermarket/bulk package end of the market than at the premium side. Packaging in aluminum cans does necessarily imply pasteurization. Although cans do not fit the image of the craft-brewed product, there is no technical reason why high-quality beer cannot be sold in cans, and, in fact, a number of craft brewers are launching canned products. A significant impediment to craft brewers using cans instead of bottles is the high capital cost of the pasteurization and packing equipment required. Among imports, British bitters are often shipped in aluminum cans, and a certain brand of Australian lager has forged an image by being sold in a large "oil can" size.

I wonder why they couldn't just say FOSTERS instead of "a certain brand of Australian lager."

Did you hear that! No technial reason why high-quality beer cannot be sold in cans! It's actually more expensive.

= Happiness and Adoration

Maybe someone should teach me how to resize imgs properly.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Remember this

Here's to remind you of home:

For some reason, this also comes up when you Google Image Search Neshaminy High School:

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I got a new cactus named Baby Eugene. He is a Castle Cactus with Strawflower. We are hoping to name our children Eugene Xeniason and Magenta Petersdottir, in the style of Icelandic names. Other options include the name "Stingray."

Referring to , , or


Look at all these people not bbq'ing. If I were smarter, I'd have taken a picture in the other direction where EVERYONE was bbqing. Well, there's only one picture, so I guess you know what that means.

Well, there's the BBQ we all know and throw up in celebration of, and then there's this other kind of bbq in the park. Prospect Park is big and full of frisbees. I find that the word fun to say. Read this if you have absolutely nothing to do.

Ten Points if you find the grim reaper in this picture somewhere.

Anyway, there was supposed to be some sort of cohesive comment here, but there is nothing I can find in the pictures worth your time, so I can only tell you that I learned a new type of DJ'ing for parties today that involves teaching line dancing, a headset microphone and being allowed to sing whenever the hell you feel like it, because dammit, you're the one with the microphone. My sister needs a husband who does this type of DJ'ing. It will redefine "staying in."