JakeDaBake (9:36:38 PM): um
JakeDaBake (9:36:55 PM): hello xenia? this is 5 days ago calling
xeniawhat (9:37:14 PM): um jake i tried to call you five days ago.
JakeDaBake (9:37:19 PM): hahahhaha
JakeDaBake (9:37:21 PM): ahahaha
JakeDaBake (9:37:25 PM): best response ever
xeniawhat (9:37:50 PM): my cigarette smells like a sardine when i light it
xeniawhat (9:38:02 PM): and also i can't stop playing freaking snood.
JakeDaBake (9:38:11 PM): its prounounced snode
JakeDaBake (9:38:21 PM): or snud
xeniawhat (9:38:33 PM): if anyone corrects my online pronunciation anymore
xeniawhat (9:38:44 PM): i am just going to have to enroll myself in some sort of course.
xeniawhat (9:38:51 PM): or private lessons. i bet gallatin has it.
JakeDaBake (9:38:54 PM): and someone should tell you
JakeDaBake (9:39:01 PM): its double u teee efff
xeniawhat (9:39:25 PM): i want to go to germany for the world cup.
xeniawhat (9:39:57 PM): and fill it with beer
xeniawhat (9:40:01 PM): and flowers
JakeDaBake (9:40:05 PM): is that euphemism
xeniawhat (9:40:09 PM): and call it beergarden 2006
xeniawhat (9:40:33 PM): and when i get to the world cup match, i'm going to say i'm from "the melting pot"
xeniawhat (9:40:41 PM): but not the breadbasket part of the metling pot
xeniawhat (9:40:46 PM): nor the dustbowl
xeniawhat (9:41:09 PM): then i'm going to ask many people who don't play english to go to the pub and play never have I ever.
xeniawhat (9:41:30 PM): say: meupha-yism outloud
xeniawhat (9:41:35 PM): i dare you not to laugh
xeniawhat (9:41:57 PM): mis dat a meupheu-yism?
xeniawhat (9:42:16 PM): what do you call it when a cow beats around the bush
xeniawhat (9:42:22 PM): a moo-pheumism
“JakeDaBake” signed off at 9:43:24 PM.