Hello universe and vast oceans of people cruising this page. I am on the right here in this geometric wonder of a sweatshirt. It turns out I suck at html and I wish all of these letters were at least 36 pt. Can someone help me with that? Wait, I just made it a teeny bit bigger now.
It should be known that I wish all of my friends read my freaking blog. And I will tell you why,too. Because I am always working at my new job and I want everyone who loves the internet to be in on my secret life, which you will find out if you cruise my blog like a magic eye poster.
I am going to lay down now.
Tomorrow we are having a party. I realized I don't know how to hang around and do nothing anymore. I used to be good at it. Now I am a little sucky at it. I want to go to the big ass lake in Prospect Park and retrace my steps so I can understand how I got to this point in my life and recuperate happily and steadily into being able to always take a rocket ship to the top of the atmosphere and see myself a long time ago, walking slowly up to this very point. I figured this picture was a good starting point.