Friday, September 23, 2005


Hello universe and vast oceans of people cruising this page. I am on the right here in this geometric wonder of a sweatshirt. It turns out I suck at html and I wish all of these letters were at least 36 pt. Can someone help me with that? Wait, I just made it a teeny bit bigger now.

It should be known that I wish all of my friends read my freaking blog. And I will tell you why,too. Because I am always working at my new job and I want everyone who loves the internet to be in on my secret life, which you will find out if you cruise my blog like a magic eye poster.

I am going to lay down now.

Tomorrow we are having a party. I realized I don't know how to hang around and do nothing anymore. I used to be good at it. Now I am a little sucky at it. I want to go to the big ass lake in Prospect Park and retrace my steps so I can understand how I got to this point in my life and recuperate happily and steadily into being able to always take a rocket ship to the top of the atmosphere and see myself a long time ago, walking slowly up to this very point. I figured this picture was a good starting point.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Circles

Soon after the forest fires were put out, I gathered my belongings and went to find Jonathan. I told him that in an emergency he should sit near the water near the rock under the shade where we used to spend our time.

He knew what that meant because we had done it so many times that we did not need proper nouns.

Jonathan and I met in a shopping center. We bumped into each other while we were browsing the frozen broccoli. You would be surprised at the difference in prices. I tripped on a piece of ice that was melting.

Ice is always doing that.


That's what he said. And then we fell in love to a bucket of fried chicken. And then we fell out of love during a forest fire. But we still knew how to worry about each other and it was good that we had a plan for an emergency and when I found him by the water near the rock under the shade where we used to spend our time, I began to think about emergencies.

I began to think about what happens to love when you can see the end at the end of a hallway. When time becomes visible and you see it walking away from you all the time. Everything felt urgent and sudden and I was swallowed by the idea that this was it.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

What I Learned at Fashion Week

Every year UPS sponsors ten upcoming designers. In September, they show spring and summer collections. This is the best guy they picked. {Left pics.) If you care, his name is Gary Graham and he is way cute.

On the left here is a tiny girl's dresses: the Doo Ri line. She is way cool. And on the right is a Heatherette Outfit. They are way outlandish. They send models out in a v-formation and shit. Ain't nobody doing that.

I covered these shows in a fashion blog: Check it the F out.

Lastly, I would like to say that I took a shitload of pictures and not a one of them are really up in this piece because they are not very good.

Here are a few sentences of Xenia writing for you:

I left the party early.
This was a decision I made.
Sometimes I see the color white and I feel sorry for myself.
And then I hear a good song and it is okay.
I would not find it strange or surprising if I found out I was wrong about everything.
Everything meaning, if I found out I was not five foot one,
that I had never been in love,
that I did not like red meat,
that I was not that sympathetic after all.
No, I wouldn't be surprised.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Takes One to Know One Trent and My Dad are getting to be better and better friends

Riv1208: MP3 exclusive to all up and coming bands (amateur).- I have at least 2 nephews palying 2 different bands..but you have to be very selective.
Two Lb E: are they good?
Riv1208: I just saw the band of Xenia;s cousin in last Sunday's newspaper winning first place in the battle of the Bands in Philly.,
Two Lb E: that soudns good. do they have a website?
Riv1208: i am not sure..but most probably not..I can ask.
Two Lb E: ok, i'd like to hear them
Two Lb E: see if the talent runs in the family
Riv1208: sure did ran away from me.
Two Lb E: that's ok, are you good at karaoke?
Riv1208: you some kind of psychic?
Riv1208: only when i am drunk
Riv1208: and it takes a lot to get me drunk
Two Lb E: but when you're drunk, you're REALLY good right
Riv1208: how would i know...i was drunk
Two Lb E: gotcha, maybe next time you should get someone to tape it
Riv1208: i m an oldie...nobody wants to tape or even listen to an oldie....the last time I sang publicly was on...
Riv1208: police station ..after i was given the nth degree.,
Two Lb E: look if you ever go out to karaoke with me i'll make sure to bring a camera
Riv1208: and they all the persons I sang to the police about were all arrested.,
Two Lb E: so it worked
Riv1208: it took a while for me to stay under the witness protection program
Two Lb E: did you have to wear a mask
Two Lb E: or just move to australia
Riv1208: not to you later..gotta go to a meeting

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Trent and Romeo Do the Internet A Madcap Romp through "the world wide web"

First: My dad posted this comment on trent's blog about kentucky sans name:
" At 4:52 PM, Anonymous said…
What's going to Kentucky without Fried Chicken?"

Then dad replied to Trent's hello like THIS: At 4:54 PM, RIV said…

Oldies but bloggies...Hello to you too

This is what ensued:

Riv1208: Hey...
Two Lb E: How's it going? Thanks for the blog comment
Riv1208: supposed to be anon
Riv1208: but welcome
Riv1208: Was that you in the picture in Kentucky?
Two Lb E: on the steps? yeah that's me.
Riv1208: never had a chance to meet you yet...
Two Lb E: I know, I'm sad. Xenia said i should come and visit soon
Riv1208: If only for Xenias toochache..I would have been to the concert....her teeth has a mind of its own
Riv1208: wisdom tooth is a misnomer
Two Lb E: I know, I was really sad we couldn't do the show. I think we'll do another one soon on another monday, we just have to figure out enough time to practice
Riv1208: looking forward to it...
Two Lb E: has xenia given you our new song yet? it's our best yet
Riv1208: No..actually she never gave me any of the songs...I stole it from her....I'll try to steal the new one next time I see her..
Two Lb E: good idea
Riv1208: she's too busy these days...that;s what she said.
Two Lb E: yeah I agree

It should also be noted that I am thinking of changing the title of my blog to: "Thanks for Reading my Blog, trent and Jake"

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Smashin Week

I met this guy at the Bryant Park tents. I would like to know where the hell he got this suit.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

today my best friend sang end of the road by boys to men at alligator lounge and i burnt my hand from holding my lighter for so long.

also i almost got run over by a truck because i lost my footing on my very small bike
also. burrito... mmm. sushi yum. pizza. yessssss....

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Uh.. and also Jake, you should note This I think I saw Dan Rottenstreich somewhere on this page.
photo examples of jerk cats: Jake said he hoped his cat was not one of those "jerk cats" in one of his posts. So I did some research. Is any one of these cats your cats? If so, you have one of "those jerk cats."

Monday, September 05, 2005


i used to sit on the front steps of my house. i started doing this when i was twelve years old and i would look at the people walking by and start to think of what sort of things would make them cry. With Mr. Gary, the only thing I could think of was if his cat died.

Mr. Gary had no children and no wife, but he did have a cat, named Crinkle and he would yell her name in the middle of the night if she went missing. And she always went missing on trash night. If my dad heard Mr. Gary yelling Crinkle, he would ask me if I had taken the garbage out. I almost always had, but even if I said I did, my dad made me draw the purple curtains open and show him the trash bags sitting on the curb. And it would make me mad, because I hated those purple curtains more than anything. To touch them made me feel sick.

In any case, one day, of course, Mr. Gary went screaming Crinkle up and down the street. Except that on this particular night, he didn't stop. He just kept yelling. My dad kept asking me to open up the curtains and see the trash bag. It was very strange because my dad was not too old at the time, but he kept acting as if he had no idea I had already thrown that bag out there.

I slowly realized that my father was going crazy at a very young age. There are a number of factors I could think of to explain this. It might have been the fact that my mom had decided she would make spaghetti every single day and then switch over to say, meatloaf, and then make that every single day for a week... It might have been Mr. Gary's screaming and screaming.
If I were less fair, I would say it was the doing of those purple curtains, but that is wishful thinking.

I think it's just the way things go. You go on auto-pilot. You wake up in the morning, you brush your teeth. You hear your alarm, you hit the snooze button. My dad heard crinkle and he wanted to see the garbage out on the curb.

Since that night I have been wary of how I wake up in the morning. Of what makes me cry. Of purple. Of missing pets. Of patterns. Or fathers. Of love. Of sitting down. I have been wary of being awake.

Sinus Infeck Yourself

I moved out of Manhattan on Wednesday and have only been sleeping something like three - five hours a night.

This is the sky I moved away from.

This is the window I do not look out of anymore.

Except that this is all very melodramatic because I know the people who moved into the apartment and I can go there whenever I want.

Now I am f'in sick and f'in sad. All of my roomates went to the beach, but I stayed here because I have not been alone for six days and it is drivin me nuts. (Not pirate slang.)

Let me tell you something. I walked into my new house (I love my new house) and this is what was left of my packing:

That's right folks... That's a care bear in an ash tray and a hello kitty who hello-face planted. Oh, and an orange lion named Art who seems to just be copying off of the HK, which is why I have less sympathy. (Artsy Fartsy performance.) Don't tell Mark Deutsch (owner of CB) or my dad (donator of HK). Or Jessica (Art's psychologist.)

On a serious note, I have been feeling terribly irritable and I have a hard time being a nice person. I have found only one thing to help me so far: getting Frozen capuccino's at Cafe Capri on Graham Avenue (thank you Sky) and this:

Paul Klee's Artwork